
I love the texture of this product. It is like thick whipped cream that you get to paint all over some ones hair. And every single one of their products smells so good.  And while the milkshakes that you buy from the ice cream stop go from you lips to your hips the products that this company offers gives you full smooth body.  This is a UK brand so can be a little bit harder to find that your average hair product. It is sold at this point at Body and Soul Day Spa.  I find some times people have a hard time jumping the price point to salon products. It is a matter of keeping your colour truer longer, keeping the hair healthier longer and protecting it against what the world is trying to do to it. If you want fewer and fewer bad hair days then it is best to move onto the products that are going to allow for that.

One of the products I love is the Milkshake Lifestyling Sparkling Glaze Mousse.  
This hairstyling mousse is designed to be versatile and easy to use on both curly and straight hair. Use this product on curly hair if you want to give definition and reliable support to your style. Use on straight hair to give your style amazing volume and body. This is a professional hair styler which is quick and easy to use. Uses natural ingredients, making this product smell beautiful. An easy hair styling mousse for curly and straight hair.
 So this product is for everyone and that is what is so great about it. It really gives the hair an all over healthy look, and at the end of the day that is what everyone wants, hair that looks strong and healthy.

-The Renee Beach Team

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